📻 This is 📻

You check out guitar @GratianRiter, he knows-all the chords
Mind, it's strictly rhythm he doesn't want to make it cry or sing
They said an old guitar is all, he can afford
When he gets up under the to play his thing
And @Roro doesn't mind, if he doesn't, make the scene
He's got a -job, he's doing alright
He can play the Honky Tonk like anything
Savin' it up, for Friday night
With the Sultans
We're the Sultans of

📻 This is 📻
Part 2/3

Well now you step inside the but you don't see too many faces
Coming in out of the Elon-Drain they hear the go down
Competition in other places
Uh but the horns they blowin' that TRÖÖT
Way on down south
Way on down south
Mastodon town

📻 This is 📻 PART 1/3

You get a shiver in the dark
It's a raining in the park but meantime-
South of the TWITTER you stop and you hold everything
A band is blowing TRÖÖT, double four time
You feel alright when you hear the NETWORK ring

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