Heute morgen wurde das erste #linux Gerät unserer #schule in Betrieb genommen! 😍 Auch wenn das #debian 12 System vorwiegend Hintergrunddienste übernimmt, musste es trotzdem unbedingt mit #kde #plasma ausgestattet werden! 🥰🏅👏

@kde @kde_community @debian #FediLZ #eduBW

PS: Der Reaktionen zufolge wird das übrigens sicherlich nicht das einzige Gerät "dieser Art" bleiben! 😎

@trmsc @kde @kde_community @debian

Riiiiiichtig gut! Nur Gnome wäre schöner 😋. Spaß beiseite, wie kam es zur Entscheidung? Ich Versuche immer noch die Schulleitung sowie die Kolleg*innen davon zu überzeugen, dass es nicht unbedingt Microsoft Office sein muss.

@DerITTyp @trmsc @kde @kde_community @debian in my opinion, Gnome doesn't look that beautiful, KDE look pretty awesome too, and the new Plasma 6 is even more beautiful... 😏


@H0W25 @trmsc @kde @kde_community @debian

Take it with a grain of salt :). Through modifications every distro can be pretty :). I just started with Gnome and kept going :).

@DerITTyp @trmsc @kde @kde_community @debian Yes I can understand that, I just tired many desktops and I really tried very hard to like Gnome, but I feel like it's slow and messy... 😢

@DerITTyp @H0W25 @kde @kde_community @debian For me it's absolutely KDE 😍 - but because we humans are so diverse, the diversity of linux is the greatest and most fitting treasure! I'm glad that there is so much to choose, to modify and to contribute for everyone! 🥳

@trmsc @DerITTyp @kde @kde_community @debian Yes I love testing new stuff or discover new updates, Gnome improved a lot but KDE did even more (or that is my feeling), is fast, smart, lightweight on RAM usage... I can actually play games with that desktop... Also, much better than Windows/Apple desktops. 😆

@H0W25 @DerITTyp @kde @kde_community @debian Absolutely! 😍 Although I don't play any games, I can confirm this for all of my school stuff, development, creating music or videos and so much more - each of these areas is processed in this lovely designed and fast environment! 🥳

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